In California, where same-sex marriage had been performed since June, the ban had more than 52 percent of the vote, according to figures by the secretary of state, and was projected to win by several Californian news media outlets. Opponents of same-sex marriage won by even bigger margins in Arizona and Florida. Just two years ago, Arizona rejected a similar ban.
The across-the-board sweep, coupled with passage of a measure in Arkansas intended to bar gay men and lesbians from adopting children, was a stunning victory for religious conservatives, who had little else to celebrate on an Election Day that saw Senator John McCain lose and other ballot measures, like efforts to restrict abortion in South Dakota, California and Colorado, rejected.
“It was a great victory,” said the Rev. James Garlow, senior pastor of Skyline Church in San Diego County and a leader of the campaign to pass the California measure, Proposition 8. “We saw the people just rise up.”
The losses devastated supporters of same-sex marriage and ignited a debate about whether the movement to expand the rights of same-sex couples had hit a cultural brick wall, even at a time of another civil rights success, the election of a black president.
Thirty states have now passed bans on same-sex marriage.
Is it the job of the government to respect the rights of all individuals or cater to the popular vote?
"In Germany, they came first for the Communists,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;
And then they came for the trade unionists,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;
And then they came for the Jews,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;
And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up."
After reading today's article which was on "Bans in 3 states on Gay Marriage", it came to me or to any other person as an important issue. People are talking about to Ban Gay Marriage more than about abortion, as written in the article and told in news. People don't want to allow Gay Marriage because they think its just not right, or religion, culture, and simply that god created a man and a women to be together. i agree with what rajvir said that "the government has to listen to We the people." I agree because they are people also and we should just let them do whatever they want to do. Let them live their own life, and we just live ours.
I really think that the government should step in and respect the rights of individuals. You cannot tell a gay person that they can't do something. They are citizens just like us. You also can't stop homosexuals from doing what they want, and even if they all got married, i don't think it would increase the amount of them "kissing" in the street. I don't think any of us have the right to tell them they can't get married because we don't approve or explain why to our kids.
In class we all discussed the topic of same sex marriage and each of us explained how we felt about it. We all feel differently about the same sex marriage idea. In my opinion I feel that if the couples that are together with their same sex partner are happy then there is nothing we can do about it. I believe that they should be able to do what they want with their lives as long as it’s not affecting anyone else’s. They are still regular people just like us and should be able to do the same things we can without any restrictions. Though I also feel that even if there is no official paper that says you are married you are still going to be together with your partner and no one is going to change that. So if there is a law just like the one that has been accepted in many states then you don’t need a paper to feel like you are officially together with your partner. Both you and your partner are going to stay together as a couple and nothing can change that. If you are happy living with your same sex partner then isn't that what you really want rather then having more controversy around the type of sexuality you choose. So overall they shouldn’t be stopped from doing what they feel is right and deciding on what they want to do or who they want to be with. Though if a decision was made and you are fighting for what you believe in and no good results are coming from it, in yourself you already know that you are with the person you choose to be with so there shouldn’t be a need for an official paper.
I think that gay marriages should be allowed. I don't see anything wrong with two people of the same sex getting married. People are against it because some people are just not ready to see that yet. But I agree with Crystal when she said that America wasn't ready for a Black president but we have one now. Some people are afraid of change but maybe change is what this world needs. I also disagree with Alex and Omar when they said that "if my kid was in a school with gay people, I would transfer them out." But gay people are everywhere so there is no avoiding it.
After reading the article, I think its really unfair for same sex marriages to banned. I don't think that the government or others who think its wrong should be involved in peoples relationships whether its same sex or not. I mean its none of their business what they believe in. Many think that its wrong to have same sex marriages or relationships due to their beliefs, cultures ,religions etc.. But that’s not fair. It’s their life they live there’s and we live ours. How would you feel if people stopped you from doing things just because you choose to be homosexual. I think some people are just ridiculous, because its really doesn’t affect you what others do. Why do they care so much.? If they do have a problem with homosexuals than just ignore them. That’s it. Why do they have to step into others life ? I don’t think this issue should be even fought about. Because its there lives its none of our business what they do. They have rights too, they’re no different than us, so why should we discriminate them and not live they way they want to.
Gay Marriage should be allowed and gay people should be allowed to do whatever as other human beings do. I personally don't support gay marriage, but it should be legalized for gay couples. People shouldn't be judged by their sexual orientation, but as MLK said the content of the their character. It also doesn't effect most people that aren't gay at all. So why oppose it? There are worser things in this country that need to get fixed and gay marriage isn't one of them isn't a major issue to have an outrage against it.
The arguments made by Omar and Alex that I don't want my kid(s) asking me why are they holding hands and other types of question relating to it or I don't want them seeing it or knowing about it. Well mostly everyone has seen gay couples. So my question to anyone that brings up that argument is have you ever asked you parents that same question? If you ever saw a man holding hands with another man what did you think? Your child might not even tell you what they saw or what they do. I'm pretty sure we've all done things or seen something and never told our parents.
In Iran they hang homosexuals.
I think that gay married shouldn't allowed as my own opinion but after reading today's article,it's our decision whether to be a gay or not. I don't see any wong with that. It won't bother me at all if gay people around anywhere. Nobody can't stopped from what others like or feel right to do.
This class was extremely interesting but its obvious by my reaction that this was a very toucnhy subject for me. People shouldnt care about other peoples personal life. If two individuals of the same sex decided that they wanted to be together for the rest of their life, it shouldnt matter to you. And to comment on what Omar and Alex said, if you train your kids correctly, then it ahouldnt matter what people are doing around them. if you bring them up with the values and traditions that you want them to follow, then they wount be so easily persauded to do what they see other people do.
Many people in this country pair up religious beliefs with the law which is wrong. In many states they have banned gay marriages. Like nick has stated the country can’t stop you from being gay. A person doesn’t have the choice to be gay or straight it just happens. And for us to put a stop on their life is really unfair. They are also citizens for the united states and they should have every right given to them. If we support diversity and give the right to black, yellow, brown skinned people why cant we give the homosexuals their rights as well. Like I had said in class it is written in our constitution to give everyone their equal rights. It does not say homosexuals are not included in this. every person is different in his or her own ways but that doesn’t make them less of a person. I believe that many of us in this country are not ready for change, therefore we are having a hard time accepting this. But sometimes change is all we need to help us, such as everyone was doubting Barrack Obama to be elected as president because of his color and now that he has been everyone accepted it.
We've all heard the story of the Mayflower, when the Puritans were being persecuted in Europe, they hopped on a ship and sailed to Plymouth Rock in search of religious and cultural freedom.
We are a nation of many religions, some more popular than others. Though none of these religions should control the government of our nation. The separation of church and state is one of the most important foundations of our country, though with the issues of gay marriage and abortion rising in importance, that foundation has begun to deteriorate. Even worse, many non-religious citizens are against gay marriage, whether it's based on hate or just ignorance.
The separation of church and state is a critical part of our government. It infuriates me when those holding office base their views on abortion and gay marriage on those from their religion. Their arguement is that homosexuality is an abomination. It is merely a different culture from theirs and if they aren't willing to accept the homosexual community then they shouldn't accept any religion or culture among the many our country includes.
The sad part is even the Presidential canditates and the new President elect fit into this category where their opinions are based on their religious beliefs.
This topic is a very hard topic for me for religious and background reasons. I'm a christian and I also come from Jamaican heritage and in both cases we are against being gay. i have learned to not hate gays and lesbian, but at the same time i do not approve of it. Over the years i have fought with making up my mind, but of recent I've made up my mind. I feel that if you want to be gay thats your decision and your entitled to be with who ever you want. The only thing is that i don't want you to approach me or be around me doing gay acts. You can be gay as long as you don't act gey in front of my face.
Hearing that gays want to be legally married makes me mad. it's hard enough for most people to accept that two same sex people are together and now you want to be married. For me that's a hard thing to swollow because marriage to me is a sacred thing between a man and a woman. You can be together all you want,but there is a limit to everything and getting married is crossing the limit.
This class was a very interesting class. It was also a crazy one to. The topic of gay marriages is always an interesting topic to hear what others think about the same sex marriage. I think that gay marriages are not okay in this society. The reason for me saying this is because god did not create the world for two men and two women to be together. He wanted a man and a woman to be. In my culture gayness is not allowed at all. It is not allowed to be around at any point. If a gay person was around then they can get hurt. I have no problems with it as long as the person does not try to convert me gay or another female try to marry me.
You might hate me for this, but I dont like gay marriages. I believe that men and women were meant to be on earth together. When I see two gay people together, I feel like they are going against the law of nature. Obviously, there are more people who would agree with me, since the majority said they wanted to ban gay marriage in those 3 states. We can't tell them what to do, so they can still be with each other.
After reading the article "Bans in 3 States on Gay Marriage", I learned that this is a bigger issue then I expected to be. Many people care deeply about this issue. Both Obama and Mccain didn't support the issue on same sex so as a result many people got married days before the election as stated in the article. But in my opionion were making do much of this issue. Why should we ban gay marriage if it is making people happy, why should we have to ruin their haappiness. Some people don't agree with gay marriage but they really don't have a strong reason to support it. I think gay marriage should be allowed.
after reading the article "Bans in 3 States on Gay Marriage" i deeply care about this issue.To me gay marriage is not a problem. The thing is, many people have a different perspective on that topic. So nobody should really have the power to say homosexual couples can't get be wed.To me its wrong in many ways to neglect homosexuals. In class Omar mentioned that one day his son might be walking with him down the street and see two guys holding hands.Then he said "I dont want my kid to see that". Well Omar, let me enlighten you. Of course your child will be expose to that one day. You can't shield your child forever. As time goes by he/she will grow up and become curious. You can point him in the direction of not being homosexual but , you can't force him to be straight. Furthermore i happen to strongly dislike the fact that those three states are targeting homosexuals just because they are in love with the same sex. Love is love. Dont put a label on it.
-Ethan Rosenberg
I dont see the big problem with gay marriages.You cannot controll love , so for wanting to marry someone of the same sex should not be unaprroved . Who is someone to say you cant get married.There are so many new things that this world is seeing and to allow different changes but say no to others is wrong.
Seperation of church and state should apply to gay marriage as well. Marriage is part of religion and the government is not allowed to regulate religion so they should not be able to stop gay marriage. America is the land of the free. People here have the right to happiness and if gay marriage makes them happy then so be it.
I feel that if the government bands gay mariages they act like there wont be gay couples still around. Just because they band marriages for gay people doesnt mean gay people are just going to vanish;there just going to keep on going with their lives and still be dating the person of the same sex. there are bigger things to consider then gay marriage. They need to open their minds its a new era different things are happening its not the same as it used to be. The government need to let people have their rights
I think that America is worried about everyone else rather than than themselves. Which is one of the reasons why were in the problems were in today. Yea, I was raised to know that being with someone of the same the gender is wrong and against my religion. But I was also raised to understand that what every choice someone may make you should never judge them for it, but respect them anyway.
Im not against gay marriges but i dont support them getting married.Being married is tieing bonds together for a man and a woman who are really in love with one another giving one another high resposiblity.i agree with alex though that the goverment should respect the right of the people.i mean gay people are people too right>?
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